Blog Posts
How I Run This Blog for Less Than $2 a Month
This website currently costs me $1.79 per month to keep online. If you include my personal email account, I spend $8.99 to maintain my online presence. Here's a breakdown of the costs:
The Evolution of My Personal Website
Building this website has been a personal hobby project of mine for the last 12 years. Over time, the code behind this app has grown in both features and complexity, as most software projects do. This post covers how I got here, how this site works today,…
My 2020 Goals
2019 has ended and 2020 is charging away. Here are some notable things from last year. Visited Atlanta, Birmingham AL, New York City, Norfolk, Phoenix, Puerto Vallarta, and Seattle. Attended Bay To Breakers, How Weird Street Faire, Bumbershoot Seattle…
Hello, 🌎
I am a software engineer in San Francisco who is enthusiastic about books, cameras, code, dogs, and music. In 2016 I moved to San Francisco where I live with 3 roommates and a goofy golden retriever mix who makes frequent appearances on my Instagram feed.…